Saturday, September 26, 2015

Running Around Kilburn

I've gone running a few times since I've arrived. I figured it's a cheap way to exercise and it'll help me discover my 'hood. Also I've been running with the Zombies Run! app which is amazing and I highly recommend. It's part radio show, part game, and incorporates your own music. It's definitely motivating.

The first day I jogged up and down streets near my house then I looked at google maps to find parks that might be good to run through. Kilburn Grange park is just around the corner from my house and it is delightful.

I found this tent set up in the middle of the park. At first I thought it was a circus, but soon realized it was an Oktoberfest party! As I said in my last post, after my run I went home, showered, and then headed back to the fest.

Kilburn grange is really cool. There's a rose garden and a free exercise area! There are tons of people with dogs walking around and some cool playgrounds as well. From the park I ran over to Paddington Old Cemetery.

I've always loved cemeteries. This one has a mixture of older and newer graves. Some are over 100 years old. (Which I guess isn't that old considering its London) After a little research I discovered it was opened in 1855. There's a really nice path that circles around and through the property. There's also a chapel in the middle though it's fenced off now for renovation. My research also revealed that an episode of Doctor Who was filmed here! (The Remembrance of the Daleks with the 7th Doctor, so I haven't seen it) I've done this run 3 times now, it's nice not having to constantly consult google maps to make sure I'm heading the right way. I've also gone when its been slightly rainy. There's just something so calming about a cemetery in the rain.

For an aerial view:

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